Nancy Vasto

Nancy Vasto, Chief Compliance and Privacy Officer, MPOWERHealth, brings with her more than 20 years of healthcare experience in for-profit, cooperative, academic and tax-exempt institutions. Most recently, she served as Compliance Officer at United Surgical Partners International, Addison, Texas, where she led a program for 150-plus ambulatory surgical centers and 29 imaging centers. While there, she also developed and implemented corporate clinical research initiatives and policies, conducted compliance and privacy investigations and evaluated growth and investment opportunities.

Nancy joined the MPOWERHealth team in October of 2019. As Chief Compliance and Privacy Officer, she currently oversees all compliance, ethics and privacy initiatives for MPOWERHealth and its affiliates. With her wealth of experience, Nancy is a key asset in developing standards and implementing policies and procedures to ensure MPOWERHealth is efficient and effective in identifying, preventing and correcting any potential issues of noncompliance.

She holds a master’s degree in health administration from the University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo., and a bachelor of science in communications, cum laude, from James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Va. She earned a Certification in Healthcare Compliance and is certified through the national Healthcare Compliance Board.

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