Rachel Kuperman

Rachel Kuperman, M.D., a participant in the 2022 CharmHealth Innovation Challenge, is a pediatric epileptologist who directed the pediatric epilepsy program at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital in Oakland, California, for 10 years. While trained in physics and neurophysiology, she grew frustrated by the lack of data used to make critical decisions about the diagnosis and management of epilepsy, leading to no significant improvement in outcomes in 30 years. The cardiologists had Holter monitors and the endocrinologists had remote glucose monitoring, but the neurologist, at best, had a patient-generated seizure diary that was less than 50% accurate. While she could use powerful data generated in the hospital through complex brain mapping surgeries to understand where a child’s seizures were coming from, on a day-to-day basis in the clinic, she grew frustrated and disillusioned because her patient’s lives were a black box. She founded Eysz with the goal of using patient-generated data to transform the outcomes of people with neurological disease, starting with epilepsy.

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