R Sterling Snead and Alex Maliokis

R Sterling Snead, is a data scientist and CEO of The Self Research Institute, a non-profit specializing in personal informatics research and development of industry-leading software. Sterling is also the principal of Snead & Stoffel Global Family Office, a single family office, specializing in investments in data science across multiple industries. Sterling’s passion for data arose when numerous family members improved their quality of life using their own health data. With 14 years in leadership roles and a Ph.D. candidate in personal informatics, his mission is to improve individuals’ quality of life internationally with research and development.

Alex Malioukis is a Licensed Psychologist at The Self Research Institute, with a Master’s degree in cognitive neuroscientist and clinical neuropsychologist, and a passion for the underlying mechanisms of what makes us human (work still in progress!). Alex works in the research faculty for the Self Research Institute, using self-tracking practices and technology to assist individuals and organizations in overcoming obstacles, realizing their full potential, and achieving their objectives.

Posts by R Sterling Snead and Alex Maliokis