Obamacare’s unnecessary “navigators”
The HHS recently gifted Obamacare's "navigator" program an additional $13 million in funding. Navigators are supposed to help Americans purchase health coverage through the new, state-level insurance exchanges.
The HHS recently gifted Obamacare's "navigator" program an additional $13 million in funding. Navigators are supposed to help Americans purchase health coverage through the new, state-level insurance exchanges.
United States Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius recently said “that if you want a healthier population, looking at the opportunity to expand Medicaid has got to be a piece of the puzzle.” Expansion of Medicaid — the jointly run federal-state health plan for low-income Americans — has long been an essential element of […]
Obamacare’s state-level health insurance exchanges are set to sign people up in October. But with the federal government on the hook to run 27 of them by itself — and another seven in partnership with states — it’s increasingly likely that they’ll open for enrollment after the official October 1 start date. The exchanges face […]
State legislators across the country are wrestling with whether to expand Medicaid, with the bulk of the funding to come from the federal government, thanks to Obamacare. Thus far, a substantial number of states have rebuffed the feds’ offer — or are leaning that way. They’re right to do so. The states and the federal […]
As Republican leaders in Congress prepare to negotiate over the federal budget with their Democratic counterparts in the aftermath of the election, it’s time for everyone to face a hard truth — we must end Medicare as we know it. The entitlement is bleeding to death. Without major changes, it won’t be around for the […]
Like so much of the president's gargantuan healthcare entitlement, the health insurance exchanges are burdened by a spider's web of confusing regulations, poor design, and a top-down, command-and-control structure.
Mike Wirth of ProviderTrust shares insights about the company in this interview at the ViVE 2025 conference in Nashville last month.
The average family’s health benefits now cost more than $20,000, according to a new report from Milliman, a consultancy. American workers pick up about $8,500 of that tab, and their employers cover the rest. President Obama’s healthcare law may unwittingly offer companies some relief from that obligation — by encouraging them to discontinue offering health […]
The boss at one of the nation’s biggest health insurers recently dropped a very public bombshell about the future of his industry–by forecasting its imminent death. At a February conference in Las Vegas, Aetna president Mark Bertolini told a crowd of thousands that “the end of insurance companies, the way we’ve run the business in […]
The battle against skin cancer just became a bit more complicated. Researchers found that Zelboraf — a promising new drug that attacks advanced-stage metastatic melanoma — may speed the development of a different but more easily treatable form of cancer. And then, there are the cost considerations. The drug lengthens patients’ lives — but also […]