Stasia Obremskey

Stasia Obremskey is Managing Director and founding team member at RH Capital. She believes the world is a better place when you educate women and give them the tools to manage their unique healthcare needs, this has inspire her work in women’s health After working professionally for over twenty-five years as a trusted advisor to non-profit organizations and start-up companies, and establishing herself as an impact investor in women's reproductive health, she joined Rhia Ventures at its inception in 2018. Stasia holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with a concentration in finance from the University of Notre Dame and an MBA from the Harvard Graduate School of Business.

Throughout her professional journey, she has offered financial and strategic planning services to organizations based in both the United States and Asia. She began her career as a management consultant with Bain & Company, and prior to that, she worked in investment banking at Morgan Stanley & Co. She has extensive experience as a member of several nonprofit boards where she has held a number of leadership positions. Stasia holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with a concentration in finance from the University of Notre Dame and an MBA from the Harvard Graduate School of Business.

Posts by Stasia Obremskey

MedCity Influencers, Legal

Courts Allowed to Ban Mife Today, Viagra Tomorrow?

If a drug’s FDA approval could be overturned by any judge, anywhere, anytime the pharmaceutical industry would be severely impacted. While mifepristone is no blockbuster, a legal precedent allowing courts to overturn the FDA’s approval could be applied to other drugs like blockbuster drugs like Viagra, Humira, or the new diabetes, weight-loss drugs Ozempic or Wegovy.