Tim Kilpatrick

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Addressing The Leading Cause Of Chronic Conditions

Two middle-age professionals both suffered from the same symptoms: frequent urination, fatigue, and thirst. They both were intelligent, well-educated and had diabetes. John Henry “kept his appointments, took his medications, changed his diet, started exercising and saw a diabetes educator.” He is thriving, enjoying his healthy new lifestyle according to Dr. Aldo Ciccotelli. The second […]


To improve patient outcomes, we must measure them

“An eighty-two-year-old man developed fainting episodes. His tests showed severe blockages in three coronary arteries and both carotid arteries. The doctors recommended doing a cardiac-bypass operation as soon as possible, followed by surgery to open up one of his carotid arteries.” A detailed account of his story is written in The New Yorker article titled Overkill […]


What do we really know about patients?

“Mary is a 90 year old woman that is admitted to the hospital for Congestive Heart Failure.” This is the beginning of the story that was told many times by the former Oregon Governor and Emergency Room Physician John Kitzhaber. “Under the current system, Medicare will pay for the ambulance and $50,000 to stabilize her. […]


8 Performance Programs That Will Change Healthcare

The most significant opportunity to improve health outcomes and reduce costs in the United States may come from developing performance programs that redefine healthcare services.  In 2 to 3 years, we will have insight into the potential impact they offer our future health and healthcare costs. The way hospitals, physicians and other health providers get […]

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Health IT

It’s Becoming More About “The Patient”

It’s hard to believe that the healthcare customer (see Why Medicare Is The Customer) has only recently begun focusing on “the patient”.  Up until now, the focus has been almost entirely on “the service”. It has been about justifying “the service” with appropriate documentation to ensure entitled reimbursement. It is has been about providers focusing on volume and the […]


Outside The Four Walls – It’s Where Medicine Is Going

In 2-3 years, 50% of the reimbursement a hospital receives for most Medicare patient stays may be based on what happens outside the four walls of the hospital.  Yet most hospitals have virtually no capability to care for patients after the sliding glass doors close behind the patient being wheeled to the curb. How can […]