Social Determinants


43K Patients in California Could Get Refunds, Bill Corrections As Part of Discounted Care Settlement

Santa Clara Valley Healthcare in California has begun notifying 43,000 patients about their eligibility for billing corrections and refunds. The system’s patient outreach effort is a result of a recently settled lawsuit filed against Santa Clara County. In the complaint, former patients alleged the county did not inform them about its hospitals' charity care and discount payment policies, leading them to have to pay large bills.

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Consumer / Employer, Payers

How CMS, CVS Health Are Tackling Maternal Health Disparities

At the AHIP Medicare, Medicaid, Duals and Commercial Markets Forum held last week, two healthcare leaders from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and CVS Health stressed that reducing maternal health disparities is a top priority, with several strategies at play. For CMS, the focus is on encouraging states to extend Medicaid postpartum coverage, while CVS Health is working to leverage doulas in their care delivery.