Allegheny Health Network

Health IT, Hospitals, Health Tech, Providers
cybersecurity tech

Why the Cyberattack on Ascension Scared 5 Hospital Execs & How They’re Responding

As majorly disruptive cyberattacks continue to make headlines in the healthcare world, hospitals are prioritizing cybersecurity more than ever before. This piece explores reactions from five different health system executives about the recent attack on Ascension — as well as what they’re doing to prevent a similar fate at their own organization and how they want things to change going forward.

Health Tech

3 Tech Adoption Rules for Health Systems to Follow

Hospitals are being more careful than ever when scrutinizing ROI for new technology. Ashis Barad — Allegheny Health Network’s chief information and digital officer — gave advice for health systems follow during the adoption process for new technology, such as ensuring clinicians are involved early on and viewing Big Tech as partners instead of threats.