behavioral health

Consumer / Employer, Payers

CVS Health Exec: The Behavioral Health Industry Needs a ‘Common App’ for Insurance

There are a lot of administrative hurdles behavioral health providers have to go through to join an insurer's network. That's why the industry needs something similar to the "Common App" for applying to be in-network with insurers, said Cara McNulty, president of behavioral health and mental wellbeing at CVS Health. The Common App allows students to apply to multiple colleges through one application.

Health Tech

Atlantic Health System Adopts NeuroFlow’s Platform to Improve Access to Behavioral Health Services

NeuroFlow — a company that provides behavioral health integration software — struck a new partnership with Atlantic Health System, which will be using the company's technology across 16 ACO sites. The health system's goals for the partnership are to expand access to behavioral health professionals, alleviate administrative burden among primary care practices and improve performance in its ACO’s value-based contracts.

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Consumer / Employer

Is There a Mental Health Disconnect Between Employers and Employees? Experts Weigh In

Research shows that about 73% of benefits leaders believe their companies have increased mental health support, but about 40% of employees either don’t believe or are unsure if their company promotes a healthy workplace. When it comes to if there’s a disconnect between employers and employees in mental health, the issue often lies in communication, said Adam Stavisky, senior vice president of US benefits at Walmart.