Electronic Health Record


5 Ways EHRs Benefit Your Patients

When researching and selecting an EHR, it can be easy to look singularly at how it will impact your practice. It’s important not to overlook how an EHR will impact and benefit your patients. Based on actual feedback from our user community, below are five benefits that EHRs can offer to your patients. Patient participation […]

MedCity Influencers

Why adopt Electronic Medical Records?

Anyone somehow related to national healthcare must be well aware of the adoption saga of Electronic Medical Records (EMRs). Owing to numerous incentives given by the federal government, and the multiple benefits of EMRs, a majority of institutions in the industry have either made the transition to EMR or are going through one. Similar to […]

MedCity Influencers

Responsibility Matters: A Message from a Data Analyst

I recently read an article that raised the question of who owns your health data. By ownership, I am referring to who has the power to either access or give someone access to your medical information. There are many interested parties in knowing all about you for valid reasons: Your PCP wants to know what […]

MedCity Influencers

EMR – Addressing the Misconceptions

Like any other technological advancements in health IT, Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) have groups of proponents and opponents. Considering the advantages that EMRs have brought to healthcare, from providers to health IT consultants, the supporters have all the reasons to promote the use of EMRs. However, certain misconceptions amongst some of the physicians have provided […]

MedCity Influencers

EHR and Security Concerns

The contributions and advantages that Electronic Health Records have brought to the healthcare industry cannot be overlooked. Physicians are keen to adopt EHRs and implementing them appropriately is evident proof of the aforementioned claim. It was never difficult for them to comprehend that EHRs would not only simplify workflow management for their practices, but also […]

MedCity Influencers

The EHR Training

I used to believe that proper training sessions are not too important in order to get accustomed to the functions and usability of Electronic Health Records (EHRs). According to me, watching a hand full of video tutorials should always suffice. However, it was until recently that I was made aware of the opposite stance. It […]

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MedCity Influencers

EHR and Big Data

Healthcare has gone through a monumental change within the last few years. Today, there is a different air about care organizations. With a clear goal in sight, the industry has a motive to change. Healthcare must look beyond closed walls as it moves toward population health management. Health IT has given a purpose and has […]