Health IT

Google Glass: More enterprise than consumer?

After wearing Google Glass for a month, Kyle Samani, co-founder of Pristine, says that the unit is useless as a consumer device. “The social awkwardness doesn’t justify the value of wearing it,” he said. “The smart phone is really good at what it does and Glass isn’t a substitute.” Samani sees enterprise apps as the […]

MedCity Influencers

Responsibility Matters: A Message from a Data Analyst

I recently read an article that raised the question of who owns your health data. By ownership, I am referring to who has the power to either access or give someone access to your medical information. There are many interested parties in knowing all about you for valid reasons: Your PCP wants to know what […]

MedCity Influencers

Protected Health Information – How secure is it?

With the expansion in Health Information Exchange across the country along with instant availability of medical records, it is becoming harder to secure protected health information (PHI) of patients. This is why the provision of robust data security and confidentiality safeguards are of paramount importance to patients, providers and vendors alike.   Under the HIPAA […]

MedCity Influencers

HIE 2.0 – What is it about?

There has been a sudden surge of interest in the term HIE 2.0 within the healthcare community. Providers are talking about how this will help them make better decisions and lead to better outcomes. Let us see what is it about and how is it different from HIE 1.0? To understand the second generation HIE […]