hospital readmissions

Devices & Diagnostics

What doctors can learn from Malcolm Gladwell

If blogger Dr. Kevin Pho had his way, more doctors would be like Malcolm Gladwell, author of (most recently)  David and Goliath. Why? “We need more storytellers,” Pho writes. If doctors and the healthcare industry were better at communicating, I’m inclined to agree. In a past life, I taught engineers, pharmacy students and budding young […]

Devices & Diagnostics

3-D St. Jude Medical launches technology that gives docs real-time, 360-degree view of arteries

St. Jude Medical  (STJ) announced FDA approval of its  ILUMIEN  OPTIS  PCI Optimization  System, and the product’s U.S. launch. The device gives physicians a real-time, 360-degree panoramic view of the arteries, to help with stent placement and to guide treatment for patients with coronary artery disease. But what’s the true value proposition between this new […]


How Aunt Bertha could help hospitals reduce readmissions

For many patients with complex conditions, the main problem is not medicines or even access to healthcare. It’s everything else: food, housing, transportation, money. One pilot project designed to help some of the most expensive patients in Camden, New Jersey, found that it was getting help to meet those basic needs that kept patients out […]

Devices & Diagnostics

Cardiocom acquisition shows Medtronic is serious about expanding from devices to data

When Medtronic announced its acquisition of Cardiocom  earlier this week,  it was a big (and loud) move in shaping the company’s “now we’re a healthcare service provider”  strategy. But Cardiocom  only makes $40 to $50 million in revenue, relatively small potatoes for a titan like Medtronic. What does this announcement mean, really, then?  “The importance […]

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Devices & Diagnostics

Optum’s effectiveness mash-up: Combining United’s 40M claims + 7M hospital records to test devices

SharedClarity has created an alliance of long-time healthcare frenemies (payers and providers) to test effectiveness of heart and orthopedic medical devices with the aim of lowering costs, reducing readmissions, allowing members to negotiate device pricing and getting patients effective implantable devices. For the study, United Healthcare will join forces with Baylor Healthcare System in Dallas, Dignity Health in […]

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Study: 1 in 15 children discharged from a pediatric hospital is readmitted

An analysis of patient readmissions in pediatric hospitals found than many of the trends seen in adult hospital readmissions hold true in children’s hospitals too. On average, the analysis found that 6.5 percent of patients discharged from children’s hospital were readmitted unexpectedly within 30 days. Among conditions with the highest readmission rates, though, the numbers […]


Reducing surgical complications: How to make it happen faster

Hospitals don’t try as hard as they should to reduce surgical complications because it tends to hurt them financially. In general, hospitals end up getting paid to treat complications –including preventable ones– while reducing complications takes time and effort while leaving empty beds that produce no revenue. In Health Affairs, Dan C. Crupka et al. [...]