medical education

A big moment for public health as Harvard’s school takes in $350M gift

A billionaire just gave Harvard University the biggest donation it’s ever received, and all $350 million of it will go to the School of Public Health. It’s one of the university’s lesser-funded schools, according to the Boston Globe, which reported that the school’s endowment as of 2013 totaled $1.1 billion – just a small fraction […]

IOM panel recommends sweeping changes to government-supported physician training

An expert panel recommended Tuesday completely overhauling the way government pays for the training of doctors, saying the current $15 billion system is failing to produce the medical workforce the nation needs. “We recognize we are recommending substantial change,” said health economist and former Medicare Administrator Gail Wilensky, co-chairwoman of the nonpartisan Institute of Medicine […]

Health IT

Are doctors being duped through medical education? Could social media help?

I made a discovery this week about the novel anticoagulant medications, dabigatran (Pradaxa), rivaroxaban (Xarelto), apixaban (Eliquis) and edoxaban (Lixiana). I was looking into the often-asked question of how these new drugs compare to the old standard, warfarin. The discovery felt like a Eureka moment. I ran it by my stats guy–my son–and a couple […]

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