OrbiMed Advisors

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Devices & Diagnostics

Main reason startups get rejected by venture capital: “Crappy teams”

The biggest reason startups get turned down by venture capital? They’ve got “crappy teams,” said Peter Thompson, a private equity partner at OrbiMed – one of the largest healthcare investment firms in the country. Thompson spoke with some candor at a recent Q&A sponsored by J-Labs San Diego. Here’s what he said, edited for clarity: What’s the biggest reason venture […]

Devices & Diagnostics

GE invests in Afib market, helps minimally invasive imaging and mapping startup close $28M Series B round

The growing A-fib market continues to gain the attention of the major players this week: GE Ventures helped Acutus Medical to close a $28 million Series B round. The San Diego-based startup is working to develop a minimally invasive, real-time 3-D Cardiac Chamber Imaging and Dipole Density Mapping system. This technology could help physicians locate […]

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