
A $89 doctor visit – and that’s just the start

In addition to designing a good customer experience, ZoomCare is lobbying the Oregon legislature to improve the odds of success for its neighborhood clinic business model. Founded in 2006 by Dr. Dave Sanders, ZoomCare provides a flat $140 rate for clinical visits and $89 for telecare appointments. It serves the “walking well,” and strives to […]

Healthcare automation meets the e-visit in a physician’s new digital health venture

Bright.md is in the business of facilitating virtual doctor’s office visits, but co-founder Dr. Ray Costantini doesn’t exactly consider it a telemedicine business. “We think of ourselves as a healthcare automation company,” he explained. “We automate repetitive, algorithm-driven processes that happen in primary care so that patients can get quicker access and providers have the […]


Six weeks later, team HealthCare.gov: 50,000. Oregon: still 0.

Across the country from Washington D.C., where officials are trying to clean up the mess that is the federal health insurance exchange, another state is proving that it could be worse. Almost six weeks after the October 1 launch date, Oregon’s online health insurance exchange, Cover Oregon, has yet to enroll a single person. The […]

Devices & Diagnostics

Biotronik receives FDA device approval for ‘smaller, thinner’ one-lead implantable cardiac defibrillator

Biotronik, an Oregon-based cardiovascular medical device company, announced it received final FDA device approval for its Ilesto DX, an implantable cardiac defibrillator. Earlier this year, it received FDA device approval for family of implantable cardioverter-defibrillator and cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillators. This week’s approval is an “upgraded” device. This “smaller, thinner” new generation platform allows for a […]

sponsored content

A Deep-dive Into Specialty Pharma

A specialty drug is a class of prescription medications used to treat complex, chronic or rare medical conditions. Although this classification was originally intended to define the treatment of rare, also termed “orphan” diseases, affecting fewer than 200,000 people in the US, more recently, specialty drugs have emerged as the cornerstone of treatment for chronic and complex diseases such as cancer, autoimmune conditions, diabetes, hepatitis C, and HIV/AIDS.

Health IT

Paul Bunyan and Elvis promote state health insurance exchanges

It’s Super Bowl time for health insurance exchange marketers, as they drop millions of dollars on marketing campaigns aimed at residents without health insurance. Seventeen states have opted to do the heavy lifting for their own online exchanges, rather than punting that responsibility to federal government. Armed with federal grant money, several state exchanges have […]

Health IT

Using avatars to improve physical therapy adherence

A lot of companies have championed the benefits of devices like Fitbit to help engage patients in their healthcare and track their progress in a trend that’s referred to as the quantified self. Instead of apps, Respondesign wants to improve adherence for physical therapy through an interactive remote-monitoring platform using Microsoft’s Kinect motion-sensor technology and […]

Health IT

Oregon picks 33 criteria to measure health as part of $2B healthcare reform experiment

The Obama Administration gave Oregon almost $2 billion to come up with its own system to coordinate care better. The idea is to get doctors, nurses, hospitals and other caregivers to work together -- and get paid well -- to keep people healthy and to get rid of wasteful, unnecessary care. The federal dollars will go to the providers who do a good job, so first the state had to figure out what constitutes good coordinated care.