Patient Portal

MedCity Influencers

Maximizing Revenue Cycle Performance through Health IT

With patients assuming greater responsibility for their medical bills, it can be difficult for healthcare organizations to obtain full payment for services rendered. Inefficient billing and administrative processes also contribute to this problem and result in money getting left on the table. In order to maximize revenue cycle management efficiencies and increase medical collections, healthcare […]

MedCity Influencers

Are Standalone eRx Systems Going the Way of the Dinosaur?

Standalone e-prescribing (eRx) systems were once preferred by physicians who refused to transition to electronic charting but still wanted the benefits that e-prescriptions could provide. Now, with federal incentive programs encouraging healthcare professionals to implement electronic health record (EHR) technology – and all of the certified systems featuring integrated e-prescribing modules – more and more […]

Health IT

How long until patients see the benefits of Meaningful Use of EHRs?

It was the year of the fitness gadget at the Consumer Electronics Show, and there were plenty to choose from. I met several smart entrepreneurs and corporate folks advancing the cause of health innovation on all fronts. I didn’t meet anyone famous during a “conference transition time” — in line at Starbucks, sharing a table […]

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MedCity Influencers

Patient Portals – From Doctor to Patient

With the advent of social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, a tremendous hype was generated by being in constant touch with one another. By virtue of this phenomenon, staying in touch round the clock via instant messaging where any physical boundaries or restrictions were absent became the new norm.  This simple and effective […]

MedCity Influencers

Patient Engagement, There are Reasons to it

The internet is flooded with information that pertains to how healthcare professionals have aspired to engage their patients using health IT applications like patient portals. On one hand they want to abridge the ever existing patient-physician communication gap to improve care coordination, while, on the other hand coming up to par with the government’s requirement […]

MedCity Influencers

The Healthcare Connectivity, EMR and Patient Portals

Without a doubt, the rationale behind the inception of EMR was to improve the overall conditions of the healthcare in the US. Certainly, pointing a single, absolute, problem in the system has always been a debate for healthcare professionals; however majority of them attribute poor connectivity, both internal and external, to be one of the […]

MedCity Influencers

EMR and Patient Portal, Where’s the link?

Recently I came across a statement which stated Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and patient portals to be health IT duo. Well, I could not agree less. Since both healthcare providers and patients are two faces of the same coin, the healthcare industry, improvement in care quality and care delivery could not be achieved if anyone […]

MedCity Influencers

Patient Portal – Road to Popularity

Where social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus generated hype amongst individuals, health IT vendors did not hold back at providing patients with more simple and efficient means of communication. Yes, it is the Patient Portal that I am referring to. Alongside providing healthcare professionals with tools like EMR and Practice Management, by […]

MedCity Influencers

EMR and Patient Portal — Tools for Quality Care

From healthcare professionals to patients, everyone is well aware of the fact that besides streamlining the process of clinical documentation and eradicating the norms of conventional paper based practice; Electronic Medical Records (EMR) has helped physicians achieve the targets of providing quality and affordable care. Inadequate results of healthcare has always been a pressing issue […]

MedCity Influencers

Cloud EHR – Why Go Paperless?

Without a doubt, the advent of EHR has revolutionized the practice of medicine in the 21st century. Introduction of cloud EHR in particular was a game changer. Just a couple of years ago the general public had never conceived that transfer of medical information electronically would become so crucial in the healthcare industry. The U.S. […]

MedCity Influencers

Patient Portal — Another Link in the Healthcare Chain

While Electronic Medical Record (EMR) and Practice Management software have kept physicians busy with their clinical and administrative documentation needs, health IT never let patients feel left out. Yes, I’m referring to the patient portal. Without a doubt, patients form an integral part of the care continuum and keeping them out of the loop would […]

MedCity Influencers

The Health IT Initiative

With the introduction of electronic medical records (EMRs) and health information exchanges (HIEs), the healthcare industry can now envision a nationwide connected care network. Information, the kryptonite to healthcare can finally be controlled in a productive manner, resulting in enhanced clinical efficiency and quality of care. The idea is to benefit from incorporating the technology […]