personalized medicine


A step-by-step tutorial: Approving targeted therapies for cancer

Ever forget the difference between an IND, a Phase I and Phase II trial? The difference between protein expression and gene expression profiling? The National Cancer Institute has a nifty tutorial that breaks down the development process of new, targeted therapies in cancer. It’s a good resource for anyone – be it you, a friend, a colleague, a […]


Personalized medicine: GenomOncology on the “silliness” of reimbursers

Personalized medicine is here. But it’s up to insurance carriers to catch up with technology that’s hurtling forward faster and faster, or so says Manuel Glynias, CEO of Cleveland-based GenomOncology,  His company is in the business of solving how doctors can use genomic data to treat cancer, the first major frontier in the application of personalized medicine. It’s difficult to parse the […]


Personalized medicine: It may be high cost, but it’s higher value

Personalized medicine will be expensive in these early days of pioneering and planning. But individual genomic testing is not going to be exorbitant forever – and the ROI is gonna be big, both in patient outcomes and dollars saved, said a panel of speakers at MedCity’s CONVERGE conference in Philadelphia. “Because pharmacogenomics is rooted in the pathobiology of disease, […]

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Devices & Diagnostics

Indiana diagnostics startup seeks $750K to validate colon cancer monitoring test

“MedCity News has partnered with BioCrossroads to provide coverage focused on Indiana’s next generation of growth and innovation in life sciences” An Indiana life sciences company looks at metabolites as snapshots to diagnose and monitor cancer. The idea is that cancerous cells have distinct differences in metabolism than healthy cells. Matrix-Bio, a startup with corporate […]


Gene therapy company Spark Therapeutics inks licensing deal for a retinitis pigmentosa gene therapy

Retinitis pigmentosa is the most common inherited eye disease. Mutations in the gene for rhodopsin, the pigment for photoreceptor cells in the retina responsible for the perception of light, account for 15 percent of retinitis pigmentosa cases. CHOP spinout Spark Therapeutics, which has a late stage retinitis pigmentosa gene therapy treatment under development, is collaborating […]