personalized medicine

Devices & Diagnostics

The therapist you sleep with: Mhealth service to help change behavior in depressed patients

One North Carolina-based healthcare startup is on a mission to deliver depression treatment and results through women’s phones. Because many people take their smartphones everywhere–the bathroom, work, restaurants, even to bed–a tech person at Thrive 4-7 jokingly calls the mhealth service “the therapist you sleep with,” CEO Connie Mester said. The company plans to blend […]


Through molecular analysis, Virginia healthcare startup hopes to bring personalized cancer treatment to stage-4 patients

While many point to genetic testing as the major breakthrough for personalized cancer treatment, a startup in Virginia thinks that’s only a third of the equation. “Genes tell you what could be and proteins tell you what is,” Perthera  Co-Founder and CEO Dendy Young said. “There’s one more nuance: proteins may be active or inactive, so […]


Would you donate your data for the future of precision medicine?

The term “precision medicine” might not yet be part of the average person’s vocabulary, but UCSF and its collaborators are hoping a public awareness campaign will move the needle in that direction. Dr. Susan Desmond-Hellmann, chancellor of the university, is spearheading a public campaign called Me For You that’s urging the public to do its […]

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A Deep-dive Into Specialty Pharma

A specialty drug is a class of prescription medications used to treat complex, chronic or rare medical conditions. Although this classification was originally intended to define the treatment of rare, also termed “orphan” diseases, affecting fewer than 200,000 people in the US, more recently, specialty drugs have emerged as the cornerstone of treatment for chronic and complex diseases such as cancer, autoimmune conditions, diabetes, hepatitis C, and HIV/AIDS.


23andme and the evolution of home DNA testing to the masses

They’ve come a long way from spit parties. 23andme announced it’s taking its home DNA testing to the masses. Education-and-empowerment heavy spots will run on cable stations including A&E, Bravo and HGTV, said Cat Afarian, public relations manager for 23andme. The company will spend $5 million in ads this year, with a fresh investment in […]

Health IT

Why isn’t everyone using genetic tests? Doctors and ethicists, maybe?

Felix Frueh says that patients are not the barrier to wide use of genetic tests. In a discussion of personalized medicine at CONVERGE, he said that he has absolute confidence in the willingness of patients to participate. He described a Medco program that connected doctors and patients with genetic tests. Doctors and patients were both […]