
Health IT

Entrepreneurs at work: What’s next for sensors in 2014?

The hype from CES 2014 has faded, but wearable tech has not lost any of its momentum. So far this year, we’ve learned that 1.5 million trackers have shipped in six months and that Apple is becoming a heart doctor. If the four sensor experts I spoke to at the end of January are right, […]


Shoes for seniors go high-tech to prevent falls

Sensors and apps designed for seniors and their caretakers may be able to detect when falls occur, but Dr. Yonatan Manor wanted to take that a step further. He assembled a team of doctors and engineers to prototype a smart shoe that they think might be able to prevent falls when they’re about to occur. […]

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Sensors, cameras, GPS & algorithms meet in a wearable device to help the blind navigate

Technology that was initially meant to help soldiers and unmanned vehicles navigate uncharted territory is finding new life in a high-tech navigation device for people with impaired vision. Draper Laboratory, a not-for-profit research and development lab based in Cambridge, has partnered up with researchers at Alabama-based Auburn University to design a new navigation device that […]