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Devices & Diagnostics

See the 12 mobile health + sensor finalists in the $2.25 million Nokia Sensing XCHALLENGE

  Overshadowed by the $10 million Tricorder challenge is another challenge unearthing amazing sensor innovations: Nokia and XPRIZE’s $2.25 million Sensing XCHALLENGES, which encourage teams to build sensing technology to be used for identifying or diagnosing disease. “While there has been an influx of market activity around health and fitness applications, medical diagnostic and sensing […]

Health IT

Sensors and smartphones bring the baby monitor into 2013

This company has a tempting and comforting value proposition for new parents: around-the-clock baby monitoring without so much sleep deprivation. Sensible Baby, which was born out of Startup Weekend Boston just three months ago, is hoping its high-tech onesie could calm some of parents’ anxiety around sudden infant death syndrome. SIDS is the leading cause […]

Devices & Diagnostics

A diabetes doctor’s wish list for mobile health

The daily testing and monitoring responsibilities for diabetes patients has made them, and their physicians, a prime target for mobile health products and services. But research suggests that even in this population of patients, use of mobile technologies is still reserved to a small group of early adopters. Dr. David Klonoff, an endocrinologist and clinical […]