
St. Jude Medical’s renal denervation system effective in lowering blood pressure

St. Jude Medical (NYSE:STJ) announced Tuesday that its renal denervation technology was effective in lowering blood pressure of patients whose hypertension remained stubbornly high despite being on many medications. The EnligHTN technology was effective in that, on average, patients saw their systolic blood pressure lowered 28 mmHg points after 30 days of treatment. The effect was […]

Devices & Diagnostics

Prominent cardiologist: Doctors should use MDT, BSX leads instead of St. Jude’s Durata

UPDATE: Scroll down to see St. Jude Medical’s detailed statement. Dr. Robert Hauser will not make the list of St. Jude Medical’s most favorite cardiologists any time soon. Hauser, a prominent cardiologist from Minneapolis Heart Institute known for studying how heart devices function, has concluded that St. Jude Medical’s (NYSE:STJ) highly touted Durata lead is […]

Devices & Diagnostics

Vascular Solutions’ $3M purchase of discontinued St. Jude Medical product is a “true tuck-in” acquistion

Vascular Solutions (NASDAQ: VASC) believes that it can make a real business out of a product line that St. Jude Medical (NYSE:STJ) discontinued in July 2011. On Friday, the Maple Grove, Minnesota company, announced that it was buying St. Jude Medical’s Venture catheter product for $3 million, paying $2.25 million upfront and $750,000 to be paid […]

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