

To de-stress nurses, just add puppies

Caregivers need care, too.  While therapy dogs often help in patients’ treatment at Penn Medicine, one nurse realized the pooches’ presence benefited the nursing staff, too. “Research shows patient interaction with animals offers physiological benefits including decreased heart rate and blood pressure,” according to the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (HUP). But HUP’s Pups […]

Devices & Diagnostics

Tablet transforms mannequins into real-life bedside experience for nursing + med students

More than 3,000 students on their way to becoming nurses, doctors and paramedics are using mobile health trends to bring mannequins to life. Simply replacing a computer with a tablet has allowed the staff to simulate real-life bedside experience much more realistically at McLennan Community College in Waco, Texas. Using Gaumard‘s simulation mannequins and software, plus […]

Health IT

Want to reduce readmissions? Hire more nurses, study says

Reducing re-admissions is practically a cottage industry. With hospitals facing penalties for higher than average rates of readmission for certain conditions, health IT companies and entrepreneurs have responded with an array of analytical and remote monitoring  tools. They can range from identifying patients at risk for readmission to alerting staff to patients who appear to […]