
Morning Read: Algorithm crunches FDA data to identify new side effects

Researchers at Stanford University have built an algorithm to provide important context around adverse event reporting, including a patient’s personal health history and other drugs he or she might be taking. The team found more than 300 previously unknown side effects for each drug. They also built a database of potential interactions between pairs of […]

Researchers at Stanford University have built an algorithm to provide important context around adverse event reporting, including a patient’s personal health history and other drugs he or she might be taking. The team found more than 300 previously unknown side effects for each drug. They also built a database of potential interactions between pairs of drugs.

Paul D. Clement, the former George W. Bush administration solicitor general, will represent Republican officials from 26 states next week as the Supreme Court hears a challenge to the Affordable Care Act. The court will hear six hours of arguments over three days, rather than the usual single hour. The justices have not struck down a major federal regulatory law since 1936.

House lawmakers call the Medicare Independent Payment Advisory Board “SGR on steroids” and plan to take up legislation to kill it next week. Several physicians’ groups say that the board will make it harder for patients to find doctors.  Supporters of the bill say it will help reduce health care spending.

To get federal funding for women’s healthcare reinstated, Texas is suing the Obama administration over a decision to withhold up to $34 from the state.  Texas recently passed a law that women in the Women’s Health Program could not go to Planned Parenthood for health care.

After recouping $1.5 billion in Medicaid overpayments over four years, New York state is now telling the leader of the Office of the Medicaid Inspector General to lighten up. Many providers had complained that the audits were overzealous and unfair, and the pressure seems to have worked.