
What does the Alphabet/Google presence mean for healthcare innovation?

How much of an impact will Google/Alphabet and Verily have in healthcare?

Google Opens New Berlin Office

Last week on our weekly MedHeads broadcast we discussed Alphabet’s presence in healthcare and what the future for the company looks like moving forward.

Chris Seper moderated, and Stephanie Baum and Meghana Keshevan joined in the discussion with our guest Mark Bergen from Re/Code to go over the subject and the idea of moon shots. Bergen follows Google/Alphabet, Verily and Calico intensely and plays close attention to what the company is up to and who is involved.

Baum, who keeps up with a lot of Google development, mentioned in the conversation that some developments that she finds notable are email reply cues and video/image recognition programs. Bergen mentioned that the machine learning team within Verily looks to have a promising presence that could be really effective with healthcare.

Seper shifted the conversation by asking whether or not Google and it’s new designated companies is really just all PR at this point when it comes to healthcare or will it actually materialize.

Keshevan brought up that Google is claiming its analytics platform will be what sets it apart in its application within healthcare. Because of its data gathering capabilities, should Google take on a bigger responsibility in healthcare, maybe in areas like food regulation, for example? How widespread and how much of an impact will Google’s presence really be in healthcare?

Watch last week’s broadcast below.

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