MedCity Influencers

Checklist of items before buying an EHR

What are the sources for trying your luck to find the best EHR software? According to an article on American Medical News, Dr. Jose says, “[the best place to search for an EHR software is] ‘benchmark organizations’ that you look up to.  Find the practice that is where you want to be five to 10 […]

What are the sources for trying your luck to find the best EHR software? According to an article on American Medical News, Dr. Jose says, “[the best place to search for an EHR software is] ‘benchmark organizations’ that you look up to.  Find the practice that is where you want to be five to 10 years from now.” Apart from this there are other things that you can look into.
Some of the basic questions are: How much the software costs?
Will you be able to get a reliable support system? Will you be able to get the staff that you need in order to complete the basic tasks efficiently on your EHR software?
One thing you should be very clear about is your reach. How many patients are you going to cater?
Familiarity with the interface of the software is another factor you must consider because you are spending a huge sum of money. When you make an investment, be sure to use the software at least once, and see how similar is it to some of the popular software you’ve used.  The familiarity will give you an edge in finding the glitches and any possible technical issue(s) you may encounter. It gives you an edge in trying out the software quickly.
Never buy software that is cheap, unless you know that the backing of the software is provided by a strong financial body . By researching about the company, and by simply going to their website, will do you a lot of good.
Security is a major concern for healthcare providers. Therefore, choose a software that is HIPPA compliant and uses the latest most secure VPN-Encryption technology as keeping your data safe should be your major priority.
The checklist before buying an EHR software can expand exponentially. A general tip to remember is that you are paying money to make your practice efficient.

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