Health IT

NSFW: Tweets on crazy wearable strategies poke fun at market hype

Based on wearable technology trends that emerged from CES, activity trackers are moving from niche to more mainstream markets. There are also some interesting potential applications in the healthcare industry too. But there’s a certain point at which the volume of stories on a particular innovation just becomes hype. And one man has found a […]

Based on wearable technology trends that emerged from CES, activity trackers are moving from niche to more mainstream markets. There are also some interesting potential applications in the healthcare industry too. But there’s a certain point at which the volume of stories on a particular innovation just becomes hype. And one man has found a creative way of expressing that point.

Whathefuckismywearablestrategy, also on Twitter (@wtfimws) pokes fun at wearable technology applications from the sublime to the ridiculous. So if you’re riding out the cabin fever that accompanies freezing temperatures and snow, here’s some comic relief for your weekend.



