A risk analysis of death, put in graphic perspective

The National Health Service in England has come out with a very cool infographic that helps explain risk to patients. The NHS Atlas of Risk puts conditions or situations into perspective – comparing the likelihood to die from murder to, say, a lack of sufficient fruits and vegetables in one’s diet. As far as risk analysis runs […]

The National Health Service in England has come out with a very cool infographic that helps explain risk to patients. The NHS Atlas of Risk puts conditions or situations into perspective – comparing the likelihood to die from murder to, say, a lack of sufficient fruits and vegetables in one’s diet.

As far as risk analysis runs for the Brits, high blood pressure, smoking and high cholesterol are the leading risk factors leading to death. And the actual causes are heart and circulatory disorders, cancer and respiratory disorders. War and murder rank comparatively low on both lists.

Here’s the cause infographic:

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Here’s the risks infographic: