The Morning Read provides a 24-hour wrap up of everything else healthcare’s innovators need to know about the business of medicine (and beyond). The author of The Read published it but all full-time MedCity News journalists contribute to its content.
GOP leaders are considering a vote next week on legislation that would abolish cuts to Medicare payments – the change could cost up to $174 billion to enact. Who’s coughin’ up the bill?
Here’s the best reporting on the battle over Salix. Is the offer from Endo so good that Salix would pay the $355 million break-up fee?
CVS backs biosimilars and says they could cut drug costs by up to 50 percent.
Meltdown at Acadia Pharmaceuticals: “Mistakes were made. The company should have been better prepared.”

A Data-Driven Guide to Patient Access Success
A new report from Relatient, A Data-Driven Guide to Patient Access Succes, highlights how focusing on data accuracy and relevance can enhance the performance of healthcare practices.
Biogen idec’s use of wearables with MS patients a new way to track activity. (Naomi Fried, vice president of medial information and innovation at Biogen, referenced the study as part of a keynote presentation on digital health at the MidAmerica Healthcare Venture Forum in Chicago this week.)
Eko Devices just nabbed $2 million for its futuristic stethoscope.
New “senolytic” drugs could dramatically increase a health lifespan.
Following discussions with the FDA, EDAP officials have decided to seek de novo approval rather than the more rigorous PMA for Lyon’s ultrasound device to treat early prostate cancer.
Acacia Subsidiaries enters into licensing agreements with Huawei.
Medovex has bought Streamline, which re-imagined the wobbly IV pole.
The 15 latest healthcare CEO moves, transitions, retirements and resignations.
Dr. Robert Suskind, dean at California Northstate University College of Medicine, resigned to work on another medical school startup in Southern California.
ResearchKit, ResearchKit & more ResearchKit: Will there be an Android version? Will the hype mask the risks?
A Georgia company developing a wayfinding app just closed $1 million.
Where is personalized medicine the least trustworthy? Online (if you can believe it)
The TechCrunch party at SXSW should be pretty kickin’. The festivities begin Monday, but talk and prep begins now.
A new report blames the DEA for drug shortages while the DEA blames the FDA. Read the full GAO report.
Clinical trials results aren’t ending up on the main federal registry,, despite being required by law.
We all remember seeing Bill Gates drink the purified sewage water, but is the next step going to be sewage beer? This seems likes something that could be a big hit for a trial at SXSW.
[Photo of Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto from Flickr user Paul]