Policy, BioPharma

Martin Shkreli: Not sorry.

Do you get the feeling that Daraprim price drop is not going to satisfy anyone?

Turing Pharmaceuticals CEO Martin Shkreli wouldn’t change a thing.

During a long-form interview that was broadcast Friday on MedCity News, Shkreli said:

  • While he plans to lower the price, Turing’s 5,000+ percent price increase on Daraprim was appropriate. It will lower the drug to the point Turing will not make an “excessive profit on Daraprim, but also said: “The break even for the price is approximately $750.”
  • He is committed to making sure patients pay no more than $20 out of pocket for a course of his drug. But he is less concerned about passing the balance of the $750 price tag on to insurance companies and the government.
  • He seemed psychically bulletproof from online shrapnel but unapologetic about his own salvos. When asked about calling FierceBiotech Editor John Carroll, who was part of Friday’s interview, “a moron,” he responded: “I still think John’s a moron, for the record.”

Shkreli joined MedHeads, MedCityNews.com’s weekly video podcast on the business of innovation in healthcare. He was joined by Carroll, Timmerman Report founder Luke Timmerman and MedCity News’ biotech-pharma reporter Meghana Keshavan, while I served as the moderator.

There were moments in the conversation where everyone got down to brass tacks: what got lost in this week’s twitter storm was a serious discussion of a fair price for drugs – not just price-gouging, but increasing costs of other drugs and creating a real (and potentially federally regulated) way better price drugs.

But listen to the nearly 40-minute conversation and see if you’re left asking them same question: Did he change anyone’s mind?