Patient Engagement

#NoBraDay: When healthcare social media goes terribly wrong

The hashtag #NoBraDay has been trending on social media. But it probably hasn’t produced the kind of result organizers had hoped for.

In case you haven’t seen all the pink around lately, October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and that’s a good thing.

Wednesday has been proclaimed “No Bra Day.” As a California TV station described it, “People are encouraged to ditch their lingerie to raise awareness about the disease, raise money for research and to support survivors.” Is that good? Let’s ask the Internet.

The hashtag #NoBraDay has been trending on social media. But it probably hasn’t produced the kind of result organizers had hoped for.

Sure, there was helpful medical advice from legitimate sources.

A good number of people posted pictures of themselves observing the day. This is among the more tasteful.

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But for the most part, the effort backfired pretty spectacularly, even though it has been going on annually since 2011.

A female friend posted this on Facebook:

OK I think this is kind of ridiculous! Let me tell you how I show support for breast cancer awareness month. I had my annual mammogram yesterday and I talk about awareness with others. If I didn’t wear a bra, there would be people in the hospital today!

That was tame compared to what showed up on Twitter.

There were, of course, the opportunistic marketers who missed the “no” part of No Bra Day.

Or just the opportunistic marketers who missed good taste.

Mostly, though, there was snark.

And then there were the men. Maybe it should have been No Bro Day?

The answer seems to be yes.

Some people got it on second thought. Still, the damage is done.

Indeed, the damage is done.

As they like to say on the Internet, SMH.

Photo: Flickr user Steve McLaughlin