
Meet the 7 startups in Dreamit HealthTech’s new cohort

Addressing issues like chronic pain, risk reporting and physician performance, here's a closer look at the companies in the fall 2018 class of Dreamit's HealthTech program.

Dreamit Ventures has picked the seven startups that are part of the fall 2018 class of its HealthTech program.

During the 14-week program, which started on September 4, the companies will learn to improve their go-to-market strategies and prepare to scale. They’ll also get the chance to meet with leaders in Dreamit’s network of providers, payers and other healthcare companies. At the end of the program, they will take part in a two-week roadshow during which they’ll speak with interested investors.

The companies address everything from risk reporting to physician performance to imaging. Here’s a closer look at the Dreamit startups and what they’re working on.

Based in San Francisco, Agathos has developed a platform that provides individualized physician performance data. With the tool, doctors can get personalized feedback on clinical variation, while healthcare team leaders receive insight into individual and group metrics.

Asserta Health is exploring cash payment for healthcare services. It provides direct payment solutions for self-funded employers and health plans with the ultimate goal of lowering costs for patients and improving financial performance for clinicians.

Headquartered in Chicago, CareAdvisors narrows in on uncompensated care costs. Its tool helps screen medical bill funding sources such as Medicaid, COBRA, emergency expedited approvals and health benefit programs.

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ImageMover connects imaging systems and processes across different care settings. Through its capabilities, ultrasounds, X-rays and other images can be quickly imported into the EHR system and linked to the patient record.

Another company, iQuartic, works on risk reporting. It streamlines the lengthy risk coding process and optimizes code capture from clinical notes. The startup’s tools directly integrate into the EHR.

Mymee seeks to aid patients with autoimmune diseases. Its mobile platform helps individuals understand how their lifestyle choices impact their health. The personalized app lets patients track their food intake and symptoms and then work with a provider to analyze insights.

Sana has developed a pain relief mask that seeks to assist individuals suffering from chronic nerve pain. Its light and sound simulation device keeps track of a patient’s biometric data to help relax him or her.

Photo: SIphotography, Getty Images