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AGFA HealthCare has released its Enterprise Imaging Manifesto on how the company’s technology platform achieves Consolidated Clinical Alignment of data to drive your health system’s business, clinical, and operational excellence.

Amidst the crowd of opportunistic and short-term image management offers, AGFA HealthCare releases its Enterprise Imaging Manifesto. Here are excerpts from the Manifesto, which describes how the company’s technology platform achieves Consolidated Clinical Alignment of data to drive your health system’s business, clinical, and operational excellence.


To achieve healthcare’s complex objective of delivering outcome- and value-based care while reducing costs, we see new opportunities for efficiencies across multiple functions. We believe that transformational technology can advance workflow productivity of clinical providers, as well as the IT functions that support them, as under-utilized medical images — and the over-utilized resources that manage them — evolve into an integrated, strategic asset of the organization.

The CIO and IT functions typically support as many as 70 distinct service lines that capture and consume medical imaging. Converged single platform technology is required to bring order and drive value of these disparate systems, workflows, and behaviors across the enterprise. We believe that Consolidated Clinical Alignment will enable high-impact, data-driven, cost-conscious care, compared to the complexity of maintaining multiple and redundant systems.

Emulate EHR convergence and achieve Consolidated Clinical Alignment. 

Our lives are constantly improved by innovation that converges technologies and disrupts the status quo, bringing benefits to both our professional and our private lives. Your own smartphone, for example, converges dozens of once-standalone devices and applications (You can easily name five, right? Ten?), delivering significant convenience and cost savings.  Similarly, EHRs converge multiple patient information systems that were once standalone, unconnected silos. 

To meet contemporary financial demands, every possible opportunity for leveraging resources must be explored. The EHR model fully applies to pixel intelligence as it does to textual intelligence. Image data consolidation reduces cost, complexity, and the resource-draining need for multiple integrations.

Control access to data and guard fewer gates.

It is imperative that a contemporary system be secured efficiently against data loss and protected against external attack. Look for a solution that enables a controlled environment for managing and sharing images, including a secure single sign on framework that provides context controlled and audited access to data. The genuine standards-based consolidation platform facilitates security hardening, thus reducing multiple points of security failure. Single platform technology arguably enables your team to guard fewer gates.

Foster patient engagement and satisfaction.

We believe that providing a secure platform for interactive sharing of visual data is an important differentiator for our clients.  

Advances in easy-to-use mobile applications allow both patients and clinicians to review a variety information on demand, yet securely. Expect efficient use of patient and facility time with universal, zero-footprint applications that enable interactive engagement, such as “medical selfies” to speed rapid, remote assessment of wound healing states by clinicians, or mobile viewer access to images to help speed patient discharge by busy physicians.

To download the Enterprise Imaging Manifesto, click on this link: http://www.agfahealthcare.com/global/en/he/library/libraryopen?ID=71823137