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Transforming the patient experience to enable informed healthcare decisions

Although the Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on healthcare delivery, in many ways it has underscored the need for a healthcare system that can help patients easily navigate healthcare concerns as well as price transparency.

As healthcare organizations seek to improve the patient experience, critical components of consumerization of healthcare such as improving price transparency and timely responses to communication, are needed to help patients navigate the healthcare system. Although the Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on healthcare delivery, in many ways it has underscored the need for a healthcare system that can help patients easily navigate healthcare concerns as well as price transparency. The collection and analysis of meaningful data to inform decision-making by health plan leaders as they guide their organizations has become even more critical. Communication to help consumers fully understand healthcare costs and options is more critical than ever before. In this eBook, we highlight several perspectives on this topic and what can be done to push the needle further towards helping patients, payers and providers making more informed decisions. To access the eBook, please fill out the form below.