Employee Benefits, Health Tech

In MedCity Pivot podcast, Glen Tullman says other care navigation firms aren’t really taking risks

Livongo's founder has created a new care navigation venture because he believes that both the experience that people undergo as they look for care and the level of risk that vendors are willing to take when they work with self-insured employers leave much to be desired.

If you thought, Glen Tullman would sail off into the sunset after decades in healthcare and after selling Livongo to Teladoc, you were wrong. Last month, he announced his new venture – Transcarent, which aims to remake the care navigation world.

Soon after, he sat down with me as a guest on our Pivot podcast and discussed in detail not only his vision for care navigation – a highly crowded space – but his other venture – the SPAC he has created.

His take is that both the experience that people undergo as they look for care and the level of risk that vendors are willing to take when they work with self-insured employers leave much to be desired. As for SPACs, he agrees that the quality of the company needs to be paramount though he admits that he is taking advantage of a frothy capital market.

Here’s the full episode below: