MedCity Influencers, Consumer / Employer

Human Connection Will Continue To Be the Future of Healthcare

AI chatbots and automated responses are great tools for service providers to leverage when it comes to improving efficiency in customer service. However, while working in health tech with a focus on nutrition support, I have found that many providers lack an element of human connection that you can’t attain as easily from a chatbot. […]

AI chatbots and automated responses are great tools for service providers to leverage when it comes to improving efficiency in customer service. However, while working in health tech with a focus on nutrition support, I have found that many providers lack an element of human connection that you can’t attain as easily from a chatbot. If you want to speak with a real expert 1:1 to help better understand how to take back control of your wellness and improve your health, human connection is one of the most important, albeit a frequently forgotten, aspect of healthcare.

According to a PEW survey, 61% of adults stated they would want to be able to download their records to applications on mobile devices to help them manage their health. But the reality is that having access to data about your body or lifestyle habits is only half of the battle. The other, and arguably most important part, stems from understanding those insights in order to take action against them and fuel long-term behavioral change that improves your overall health. This is an area where having 1:1 support from an expert practitioner can be most helpful, helping you gain insights into what will work for you personally versus what works for a general population.

Breaking poor habits is hard, especially regarding health myths we may have been conditioned over time to believe are true. This, coupled with a lack of knowledge about what can improve versus hindering a healthier lifestyle, often leads to continued bad habits or a lack of direction towards improvement. Understanding how certain lifestyle choices can impact your health is crucial, particularly when it comes to taking preventative health measures and getting ahead of habits that could lead to health issues, conditions, or diseases down the line.

Creating and sticking to new habits can also be overwhelming if you’re having a difficult time identifying and understanding goals. Having the support of a trusted expert to guide you through the process can make all of the difference. Personalized insights also help educate us on our bodies’ metrics and how changes in behavior may impact that data. Sticking to your health goals amidst the chaos of day-to-day life can be challenging, especially without the knowledge of how your body reacts to certain foods. While it’s important to speak with a physician about what you can do to manage, or better understand your health—having that 1:1 personalized support during your journey significantly impacts long-term behavioral changes and overall lifestyle improvement.

Being supported by someone who is not only knowledgeable about nutrition and metabolic health, but can also make recommendations to you based on your own personal motivation preferences is the ultimate accountability tool, crucial to having long term impact. Whether you need motivational nudges or even some tough love, having someone with you step by step on your journey who understands goals, limitations, and lifestyles can help you in making educated decisions about the best path forward.

It’s natural to feel more at ease with your health when receiving 1:1 support that helps you better understand how your body operates. Not only does it allow you to ask questions and put your concerns to rest, but it enables you to incorporate feedback and recommendations into everyday life and puts the power back in your hands.

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According to the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, more than half of American adults have diet-related chronic diseases, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and some types of cancer. As these numbers grow, Americans will have no choice but to prioritize health and find ways that work for their individual needs. That’s why, in a world that has gone digital, personalized, 1:1 human support is still the future of healthcare.

Photo: LPETTET, Getty Images

Kara is the VP of Health at Nutrisense in addition to being a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN), Licensed Dietitian/Nutritionist (LDN), and Certified Nutrition Support Clinician (CNSC) who specializes in glucose control and metabolism. She graduated from Purdue University and previously worked at Memphis VA Medical Center, as a clinical dietitian at Providence Hospital, and in a management role at Nutritionix.
