
Superheroes kick off #HIMSS19

The superhero theme of the HIMSS opening reception — which featured an appearance from Superman and Wonder Woman — relates back to the larger conference theme: “Champions of Health Unite.”

Are health IT leaders the superheroes we need to save healthcare?

Maybe … or maybe not. Regardless, healthcare execs got the chance to feel like a superhero at the HIMSS opening reception Monday night in Orlando.

In keeping with the theme, a few of the most well-known superheroes heroes — like Spider-Man, Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman — stood by the escalators as attendees made their way up to the Valencia Ballroom in the Orange County Convention Center.

Superman and Wonder Woman at HIMSS / Photo: Erin Dietsche

I stopped by Superman and Wonder Woman, mentioning that I was a journalist and would like a photo.

“I have a friend who’s a journalist,” Superman said.

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“Oh yeah?” I replied.

“His name’s Clark Kent. Have you heard of him?”

We chuckled and I headed upstairs to the ballroom, where music played and a few screens showed comic book-like speech bubbles with words such as “BANG!” and “WHAM!” Attendees were encouraged to dress in their favorite superhero costume, but aside from the occasional cape or mask, the majority of people were dressed like … well, like regular HIMSS conference attendees.

The superhero theme of the opening reception is linked to the larger HIMSS 2019 theme: “Champions of Health Unite.” When reached via email, HIMSS senior director of strategic communications Karen Groppe shed light on this idea.

“Why Champions of Health Unite as this year’s theme? It is easy — we all must come together to transform health,” she said. “We must bring our powers together to unite and solve for the many global health challenges being faced. We must all unite to keep the patient at the center of our work.”

Photo: Choreograph, Getty Images
