CMS axes two-midnight rule payment cut
Hospitals need to be careful of an audit flag if a patient stays longer than the stated anticipated number of midnights, especially if there is no evidence of a post-hospital discharge plan.
Hospitals need to be careful of an audit flag if a patient stays longer than the stated anticipated number of midnights, especially if there is no evidence of a post-hospital discharge plan.
Automated follow ups can help hospitals more effectively prevent readmissions.
Much of the work that physician advisers do overlaps the case management department, which is why the two need to work together as a team.
If you haven’t met your CIO, you need to. Introduce yourself and get to know your CIO with the end goal of educating him/her on your care transition workflow.
Last fall, a study by Healthcentric Advisors found that monitoring hospital staff adherence to standardized communications with a patient’s primary care provider and providing feedback to staff had a positive impact on care transitions and readmissions. Although the study focused on the care transition process with primary care providers, the findings also hold true for […]