eMed @Entrepreneurship.org

More people are touched by healthcare and its entrepreneurs than any major industry. Healthcare innovation is happening in many locations, and Entrepreneurship.org’s eMed Community unites healthcare entrepreneurs and their partners through the power of ideas. To read more, go to www.entrepreneurship.org.

Posts by eMed @Entrepreneurship.org

MedCity Influencers

Expanding globally? Learn how from a venture capitalist

We’re catching up to some of the best entrepreneurship blogs on the web, and today’s entry is John O’Farrell’s a16x.com blog  — specifically the first of a four-part series the author’s been working on since this summer on starting  a global business. If the name sounds familiar, it’s because the Dublin, Ireland native is a general […]

Health IT

Health IT innovators and providers collide at eHealth summits

Opportunities for healthcare entrepreneurs to gather together, swap shop talk, and — especially — talk to innovators in the field who have succeeded in building great startup businesses — are few and far between. But on October 27, 2011, the National eHealth Innovation Series is going to get healthcare entrepreneurs together at an inaugural event […]

MedCity Influencers

A lesson on the venture capital investing process

Call it the ultimate buzz kill. You’re a healthcare startup owner, your company is gaining financial traction, and you’ve been promised a $24 million round of financing by a leading venture capital firm. But guess what? Just when the golden apple is within reach, cruel fate — in the form of that venture capital firm — takes […]

presented by
MedCity Influencers

The best of the best angel investors for healthcare startups

The Angel Capital Association and the Angel Resource Institute are both great resources for healthcare entrepreneurs looking for capital funding. Both have extensive lists of angel investor groups — both local and national — that can step in and give a financially ailing healthcare startup a boost when the need arises. But which angel investing […]

MedCity Influencers

Should employees’ social media activity be tracked?

It’s the ultimate “Gordian Knot” for healthcare business owners. With so much riding on corporate ethics, should an entrepreneur try to protect his or her company’s reputation from employees’ loose, careless and sometimes dangerous social networking practices? Not too surprisingly, employers and employees disagree on whether management should be peeking in on workers’ social networking […]

Devices & Diagnostics

Choosing a business incubator: How to go about it

The National Business Incubator Association says there are about 1,200 business incubators operating in America. The Athens, Ohio-based group also has some ideas on how healthcare entrepreneurs can latch on to a local incubators group  — and make it work for them. So how do you go about it? David Monkman, the president of the […]

Health IT

Electronic health records software poses security concerns

There’s been a steady rush of new studies on a topic that hits home to healthcare consumers — and should hit home to healthcare entrepreneurs. The topic is electronic health records and the data shows that consumers are clearly worried about the safety and security of those records. In February 2011, a CDW Healthcare survey of […]


Disaster preparedness — what healthcare can learn from Waffle House

Healthcare entrepreneurs often face pressure that other business owners don’t when it comes to disaster management. Goodness knows, we’ve seen enough of that in 2011, with the Japanese earthquake, the Missouri tornadoes, and assorted other natural disasters that have dotted the geographic and economic landscape this year. Healthcare companies, especially ones that operate along the […]