Calling Responsible Parties to Task for their Role in the Opioid Epidemic
Doctors, pharma companies, and patients - all have a role to play in how we overcome the opioid crisis that has gripped the nation.
Doctors, pharma companies, and patients - all have a role to play in how we overcome the opioid crisis that has gripped the nation.
Dr. Jerome Adams has been sworn in as the nation's 20th Surgeon General and these areas should be his priorities.
Last year, Congress passed the MACRA bill into law ending their ill-devised SGR (Sustainable Growth Rate) formula. Basically, this was a formula to decide how to reimburse health care providers but they miscalculated. It never worked from the onset and after a decade, MACRA was devised to “fix” it. When MACRA was rolled out, the […]
Tuesday, UnitedHealthcare announced that they suffered huge financial losses and are pulling back from Affordable Care Act insurance exchanges. UHC is one of the largest players in the exchanges but will be remaining in just a handful of states next year. The losses expected, according to CEO Stephen Hemsley, are expected to exceed $1 billion […]
In the hopes of averting the economic healthcare crisis, the federal government passed into law the burden that all Americans attain health insurance coverage. Healthcare spending remains the largest expenditure in the US economy. Few people would argue that our system is broken and in need of repairs. Yet, the fix that the Affordable Care […]
Informed consent is a very important issue in healthcare these days. As patients are viewed more and more as consumers, they must be informed of all the details in order to make the best decisions for their own health. But, are insurance company formularies disrupting informed consent? Before I prescribe a medication to a patient, […]
Mike Wirth of ProviderTrust shares insights about the company in this interview at the ViVE 2025 conference in Nashville last month.
Last week, CMS’s acting administrative director Andy Slavitt made an announcement that the Meaningful Use(MU) Program as we know it is effectively over. Many people rejoiced at the “death” of MU. They failed to listen to all of his words. He did not say that MU is dead. He said it is being replaced with something […]
McMedicine: Like eating too many Big Macs, it may decrease the health of many lives.
Let's make 2016 the year that patients and doctors take back medicine.
California recently legalized physician-assisted suicide and, no doubt, other states will soon follow their lead. While this may alleviate patient suffering, are we really at the stage where we allow physicians to help patients commit suicide? In fact, only 52% of doctors polled on SERMO (the largest social network exclusive to doctors) believe it should […]
This on-demand webinar will offer insights and share tips on helping practices run more efficiently.
As the ICD-10 rolled out last week, healthcare professionals felt the fear of the unknown. Many wondered if we will be paid for our work or we will toil away uncompensated until the glitches in the new system get repaired. Unfortunately, ICD-10 is not the only mandate wearing us down. Over the last few years, […]
There exists much controversy surrounding the MOC ( maintenance of certification) program that doctors need to comply with in order to keep their board certification. Every specialty has its own regulatory requirements. Over the past year, doctors cried out against this inefficient and costly burden placed on us. Yet, no one heard us. Doctors are […]
It was a bad idea done for bad reasons and should not reach a rightful end.
Celebrities do not actually care about your health. They are trying to become famous and make money.
Every week leading up to the election of 2016, it seems there are more political candidates joining the large field of Presidential candidates. Despite the fact that the healthcare system is struggling, there are no any clear plans on repairing what ails it. The next President stands to drive the direction our healthcare system follows. […]