

4 Lessons We Learned From The Change Healthcare Cyberattack

Healthcare industry leaders think there is much to learn from the Change Healthcare cyberattack, and they hope the sector can apply these lessons to prevent a hack like this from ever happening again. Overall, the chaotic aftermath of the attack underscores the dire need for a more unified approach to cybersecurity within the healthcare sector.

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Patient Engagement

Why Health System Execs Say You Can’t Separate ‘Patient’ from ‘Consumer’

Many people don't take well to the term “healthcare consumer,” or have expressed that they prefer to be referred to as a patient rather than a consumer. But in the U.S., it’s a plain fact that people have choices when it comes to their healthcare. In this piece, three health system executives give their take on why “patient” and “consumer” are often one in the same — and why hospitals need to be mindful of this.