care coordination

Health IT

HIMSS15 Reflection: Healthcare Needs Simple Solutions

As I walked out of HIMSS15 at the McCormick Place convention center in Chicago this week, I had a new sense of empathy for healthcare buyers. Finding the signal within the noise of the show has never been more challenging. Instead of the useful, clear information needed to help buyers make informed decisions, there were […]


Why unsexy healthcare startups are my favorites

Download MedCity’s Startup Index for November I hate it when people call ideas or businesses “sexy.” People are sexy, ideas and inanimate objects are not. When I hear a person use that term to describe a startup company, I think, “Shallow. Short attention span. Not interested in solving real problems.” A weak idea delivered via […]

Helping hospitals take on risk pays off big time for HIT consulting company

You can’t call an 18-year-old company a startup, so Valence Health doesn’t fit into that category. However, news from the Chicago company this year has been as exciting and impressive as developments from any new HIT company working to change the system. The company just raised a nice round of funding – $15 million and […]

Harvard Challenge testing healthcare innvoation ideas that are ready to scale

This challenge is about not hacking. It is about proving that your idea will work in exchange for access to Harvard’s network. The Health Acceleration Challenge got 478 applications for a chance at that prize offered by the Harvard Business School and the Harvard Medical School. The Open Forum on Health Care Innovation is a […]

What’s the end goal for all this health IT? Making high-touch care easier

VC Marc Andreessen wrote back in 2011 that software is eating the world. At this moment, it feels like healthcare is the main course. Our August 2014 Startup Index is all the proof you need of that. Here are the numbers for HIT startups, device startups and pharma/biotech startups: 22, 2, 2. Download the full […]