cloud computing

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Health IT

Healthcare in the cloud: Five advantages of easy data sharing

There’s no question that these are challenging times in the healthcare sector. Organizations must stretch tight budgets to meet increasing service demands, all while complying with new regulations and healthcare reform legislation. At the same time, tech-savvy consumers are demanding a higher level of interaction than ever before; they want instant online access to information, […]


Catavolt helps healthcare companies translate legacy data into mobile solutions

Catavolt did not start small with its health IT modernization push. The software company has been hunting for whales in the healthcare world since the beginning. “Our system works best for organizations that have enough breadth: multiple back ends, many users, a regulatory environment,” said George Mashini, the CEO and co-founder of Catavolt. The company’s […]


Cloud Pharmaceuticals raising $20M for its “in silico” approach to drug development

We’re all plenty familiar with in-vivo and in-vitro, but Cloud Pharmaceuticals is taking the “in-silico“ approach to drug development. Its “inverse design” platform uses cloud supercomputing to cherry pick and formulate molecules that will work as new medications – cutting out much of the early lab expenses by conducting the earliest drug discovery processes virtually. The Research Triangle […]


Apple worked with Mayo Clinic and Epic to build ‘HealthKit’ platform

As expected, Apple jumped into the health information business today, launching both a new health app and a cloud-based health information platform. The new app, called simply “Health,” will collect a number of body metrics including blood pressure, heart rate, and stats on diet and exercise. Impressively, Health will constantly monitor key health metrics (like blood […]