Distressed Venture Financing

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Life is sometimes like HBO’s Silicon Valley (unfortunately)

Hard truth: Even the most promising startups are one calamity away from completely shutting down. Self-inflicted wounds are hard to escape from. But there are increasingly a number of options when a competitor, customer or would-be investor puts a company on the brink.  Lee Ducker, one of the founders of Lake Whillans, sees  the horror […]

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How to protect your business in the changing medtech landscape

Last week, I discussed the changing landscape of medtech innovation, and how shifting dynamics in the capital raising process have led young businesses to be more vulnerable to unscrupulous partners and mal-intentioned competitors. This week I will begin discussing how distressed venture funding and litigation finance can be used to help protect these innovating young […]


The changing landscape of medtech innovation

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for larger corporations to invest in promising healthcare companies, only to take advantage of their position by developing the underlying technology themselves or dispensing with the project so as to avoid cannibalizing sales.

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How to raise capital in a difficult situation

Distressed venture finance and litigation finance are relatively new financial products that can help otherwise vulnerable businesses protect themselves. Companies, such as Lake Whillans, that provide these products can help businesses threatened by others' unscrupulous actions.