
MedCity Influencers

Achieving Patient Safety with EMRs

Patient safety in many ways means that physicians have the required information in front of them when needed, so that they can deliver quality care. This means instantant access to the information that is relevant to services provided in a format that is customized for usability, while ensuring privacy and confidentiality of patient health information. […]

Health IT

How much pre-market regulation should the FDA impose on health IT? Work group issues recommendations

The Food and Drug Administration Safety Innovation Act (FDASIA) work group, made up of experts from various branches of the healthcare industry, recommends that the FDA proceed with as light a touch as possible in reviewing new health information technology products.  The work group’s new report suggests that reducing regulatory burdens on the software industry […]

MedCity Influencers

Cloud EHR’s: Yes or No?

One of the main questions that providers face when selecting the ideal Electronic Health Record (EHR) is whether to go for a client-hosted solution or a solution based on the SaaS (Software as a Service) Cloud model. Research suggests that cloud-based EHRs are the most effective because they save time and cost. Typically, providers have […]

MedCity Influencers

Why physicians prefer to choose their own EMR software?

A majority of physicians traditionally link up with more than one practices or hospitals. In their attempt to enhance their earnings, most physicians put in extra hours at hospitals or start private practices. In addition, doctors need to stay updated with the evolving medical industry which requires serious dedication. With the advent and sudden rush […]

MedCity Influencers

Medical billing — When to outsource?

Healthcare providers have been struggling with constantly evolving clinical reporting practices. The healthcare industry’s shift to result oriented payments in the form of reimbursements is likely to continue expanding. This does not automatically imply outsourcing billing to a third party. Electronically recording clinical data through EMR software has generally been looked upon as a positive […]

Devices & Diagnostics

Cardiocom acquisition shows Medtronic is serious about expanding from devices to data

When Medtronic announced its acquisition of Cardiocom  earlier this week,  it was a big (and loud) move in shaping the company’s “now we’re a healthcare service provider”  strategy. But Cardiocom  only makes $40 to $50 million in revenue, relatively small potatoes for a titan like Medtronic. What does this announcement mean, really, then?  “The importance […]

MedCity Influencers

EMR – What’s the race all about?

Perhaps the most awing facts about health IT applications, particularly Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) is that ever since their inception, there has been an upward trajectory in product demand. With the passage of time, healthcare providers have realized potential benefits that EMRs can ensure for our national healthcare system. Given the rising popularity of certified […]

MedCity Influencers

Why adopt Electronic Medical Records?

Anyone somehow related to national healthcare must be well aware of the adoption saga of Electronic Medical Records (EMRs). Owing to numerous incentives given by the federal government, and the multiple benefits of EMRs, a majority of institutions in the industry have either made the transition to EMR or are going through one. Similar to […]

MedCity Influencers

EMR – Do patients get heard?

Most patients are concerned about the lack of time they receive from their doctors. Consultants within the Health IT stratosphere actually attribute a lot of issues in the industry to this concern faced by patients. However, the advent of modern technologies such as the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) has made it possible for doctors to […]

MedCity Influencers

How EHRs change the way doctors deliver care

An Electronic Health Record (EHR) is a collection of patients’ electronic health information, stored digitally, that can also be shared across different healthcare providers. With advancements in digital technology transforming the world we live in, universal adoption of fully interoperable EHRs will transform healthcare delivery and provision throughout the nation. EHRs can help providers in […]

Health IT

6 critical security questions to ask your health IT service provider

In this article, I will present a series of questions that health care organizations should ask their IT service providers to address before providing such service providers with identifiable patient health information in electronic format (electronic patient health information or ePHI). 1. Do you encrypt electronic patient health information in-motion, at rest, or both? There […]