Hugo Campos

Devices & Diagnostics

How much does it cost to replace the battery in a defibrillator? Super patient Hugo Campos knows

If you don’t follow Hugo Campos (@HugoOC) on Twitter, you probably should. He’s changing the way at least one of the big medical device companies–Medtronic (MDT)–thinks about sharing data with patients. He’s also posting interesting stuff on patient empowerment, privacy and data democritization. Campos posts regularly, too. He seems to really curate his feed. Here are […]

MedCity Influencers

Message to Medical Device Companies: Let Patients HELP!

Most people would agree the US healthcare system is broken. But what are the solutions? Fix CMS? Overhaul the FDA approval process? The list goes on and on. But what about patients? Equipped, engaged, empowered, and enabled patients. Could these e-patients be the most under utilized asset in today’s healthcare environment? In this interview with […]