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Glooko adds Medtronic as investor in $16.5M Series B

Glooko, a digital health company that helps users unlock data from their glucose meter and wearables to better manage patients, has raised a Series B round led by Medtronic and Canaan Partners. The Social + Capital Partnership and Samsung’s venture investment arm also participated in the round. Glooko added Samsung as a strategic partner last […]

Medtronic named best place to work in medical sales in 2015 surveyed 1,400 members of the site’s community, who currently work or recently worked in medical sales, to determine which companies are the best to work for overall. Best medical device company: Medtronic. Stryker and Johnson & Johnson ranked second and third. Best pharma company: Johnson & Johnson. Pfizer and Eli Lilly ranked second and […]

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Report: Neurological device market is hot, hot, hot.

This could be a good time to focus on the neurological device sector: The market for these tools is on the upswing and projected to hit $5 billion by 2020, thanks to an increase in neurological procedures (and better available technology), a report form Canadian firm iData Research says. The neuromodulation sector is expected to perform well, the report […]

Medtronic founder: Frankenstein inspired me to build the portable pacemaker

In the preface to Frankenstein, Mary Shelley described her reflections following conversations with other intellectuals considering 19th century science:  “Perhaps a corpse would be re-animated; galvanism had given token of such things,” she wrote. “Perhaps the component parts of a creature might be manufactured, brought together, and endued with vital warmth.” Despite fear or superstition about […]

Why watching surgeons work is critical to medical device design

By Christine Horan and Allan Cameron Electrosurgical instruments are used to cut through soft tissue and bone but they also are used to control the bleeding that, consequently, occurs during orthopedic procedures. The problem is that the power that cuts tissue so effectively is actually over-powered for blood vessel sealing and can burn tissue, leaving behind […]

Implantable brain device could restore lost memories, help create new ones

Here’s a story with a slight Cyborg ring to it: An implantable brain device that can potentially restore the memory of patients with traumatic brain injury, Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy and related conditions is being developed at the government’s Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The technology sits at the nexus of human, neuron-based memory and digital, computer chip-based memory: The device […]