patient messaging

Health Tech

Advice Given by ChatGPT Vs. Human Providers Is Nearly Indistinguishable, NYU Study Says

NYU researchers conducted a study this year in which nearly 400 people were asked to identify whether responses to patient questions were produced by human providers or ChatGPT. Participants had a limited ability to tell the source of the responses apart, so the study authors concluded that the use of LLMs like ChatGPT could be an effective way to streamline healthcare providers’ communication with patients.

Health Tech

ChatGPT Outperforms Doctors In Answering Patient Messages, Study Shows

A new study found that ChatGPT might actually be quite successful in providing high-quality answers to patient questions during an era in which doctors and nurses are too busy to do so. The research evaluated two sets of answers to patient inquiries — one written by physicians, the other by ChatGPT. A panel of healthcare professionals determined that ChatGPT's answers were significantly more detailed and empathetic.