
Health Tech

What Healthcare Organizations Should Know About Russian Hacking Gang KillNet

The Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center (HC3) recently issued a report letting healthcare organizations know that they are still being heavily targeted by KillNet, a Russian group of cybercriminals. The number of daily attacks KillNet waged against healthcare organizations using Microsoft Azure increased significantly between November 18 and February 17 — from 10-20 attacks per day in November to 40-60 attacks per day in February.


Quintiles joins Russian investment fund in clinical trials partnership

Quintiles is partnering with a Russian investment fund to create new companies doing clinical trial work in the Russian Federation. No financial terms of the definitive agreement with Russian Venture Company Biofund were disclosed. But the partners said that Russia, the ninth-most populous country in the world, represents an opportunity for clinical trials. “With a […]