venture capital

Health Tech

4 Lessons Health Tech Companies Should Know to Reach $100M ARR

A new study from Bessemer Venture Partners analyzed more than 100 venture-backed healthcare companies to determine the best strategies to scale to $100 million in annual recurring revenue. The report laid out a few main lessons health tech companies should know, such as the importance of nurturing relationships with early customers and making sure efficiency metrics are paid close attention.

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Health Tech

Which Digital Health Startups Are Most & Least Suited to Raise Capital in 2023?

Last year’s digital health investment trends have left some startups feeling uneasy about their ability to raise capital in the new funding environment. Venture capitalists think companies that have a demonstrable return on investment and serve multiple stakeholders will probably have the easiest time securing capital, while point solutions and startups in crowded markets will face a tougher environment.

Health Tech

ROI and Clinical Validation Will Determine Digital Health Startups’ Success in 2023, Investors Say

Going into 2023, investors think the abilities to demonstrate ROI and clinical validation will be the most important factors determining digital health companies' success, according to a new report. While the ROI factor is a given, clinical validation “is the best signal of patient value and historically has been under-captured in digital health," said Sunny Kumar, a partner at GSR Ventures.