
Video: Watch med students dissect virtual 3-D cadavers

MedCity News first got a peek at a virtual cadaver for medical education from San Jose, Calif.-based medical imaging software company Anatomage back in 2013. That technology now is in clinical use, as we learned from this video produced by the University of Connecticut Health Center and shared by the Doctors Channel.

TEDMED highlights contrast powers of the body with human frailty (video)

The international annual healthcare think tank meet-up that is TEDMED produced an interesting series of themes beyond the ones specifically outlined by TEDMED 2014 organizers. Some of the most interesting speakers revealed the fascinating brain chemistry at work behind humdrum rituals such as sleeping and breastfeeding. Other speakers drew connections between the brain chemistry associated […]

Entrepreneurs develop head injury alert sensor for parents, coaches

Two wearables entrepreneurs have produced a sensor designed for kids’ sports to alert coaches and parents when a player has received a hard blow to the head, possibly causing an injury. They have launched a Kickstarter campaign seeking to raise enough funding to set up production for the device. Ben Harvatine and Seth Berg co-founded […]

Developers will be able to use HealthKit to read spirometer data

A handful of entrepreneurs have developed ways for smartphones to use data from spirometers to allow patients with respiratory problems, particularly for asthma, to track lung capacity and, in some cases, share that information with physicians. In what sounds like an intriguing development, Apple’s latest beta update of its iOS 8 platform for developers includes […]